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Hatty 我的 Hattersley 织机。最初于 1940 年(大约)作为全新的扁平拼图被带到岛上,她已经由三代人工作了近 80 年。她由铸铁和木头制成,本身就成为一件艺术品。当她安顿好位置时,手臂上的草皮,多年织工手上的磨损,褪色的油漆和油污。所有这些都有助于使每个 Hattersley 都显得独一无二,并赋予他们自己的个性 


我叫 Miriam Hamilton,我在 2018 年秋天学会了编织,师从 Hatty 的前任老板,一位 90 岁的绅士农夫。他同意把 Hatty 卖给我并教我编织,所以我花了很多时间在他的他编织了 50 年的狭小、冰冷的织布机棚。他从父亲那里继承了织布机,父亲是从约克郡基斯利的哈特斯利工厂购买的。







A wee video showing some of the processes involved in creating the a tweed! To actually make a tweed from start to finish takes several weeks. We have to make the warp, beam it onto the loom, tie each new thread to the corresponding one of the old warp (696 knots!), then pull the warp through the loom. It then takes around 5 days to weave a tweed depending on the complexity and length before the woven cloth has to be sent to the mainland mill for finishing. Woven cloth needs to be washed, dried, cropped and pressed (known as finishing) before it can finally be sewn!

Two Sisters Tweeds

Handwoven on my 80 year old Hattersley loom from pure new wool, sold from the quarter meter
so you can order as much or as little as you want! 

Tweed and Yarn Offcuts

Handwoven by myself or other Islanders from pure wool. These offcut bags are perfect for patchwork, quilting and small projects such as jewellery, keyrings, purses, cufflinks etc! The yarn ends are great for embroidery, stumpwork, needle felting, small looms etc limited only by your imagination!

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